🎉I GOT ACCEPTED!🎉 We’re excited to celebrate our seniors who have gotten accepted to colleges!
over 3 years ago, Jacqueline Schlecht
🎉I GOT ACCEPTED!🎉 We’re excited to celebrate our seniors who have gotten accepted to colleges! Knoel Huravitch got accepted to North Dakota State College of Science! Knoel plans to study Electric Program.
🎉I GOT ACCEPTED!🎉 We’re excited to celebrate our seniors who have gotten accepted to colleges! Elizabeth Mohl got accepted to Bismarck State College and Williston State College! Elizabeth plans to study Criminal Justice.
🎉I GOT ACCEPTED!🎉 We’re excited to celebrate our seniors who have gotten accepted to colleges! Noelle Leibrand got accepted to North Dakota State University, Minot State University, and Concordia College! Noelle plans to study Music Eductaion.
Don't forget that senior pictures are due on December 10! No pictures will be accepted after the due date, no exceptions. The guidelines for pictures can be found on the high school website. Please email your picture to yearbook@willistonschools.org. If you want a senior quote, then you must purchase a yearbook FIRST. Once we have record that you have purchased a book, you will receive an email to your school email with the link to submit a quote. The link to purchase a yearbook is https://www.treering.com/validate?PassCode=1015216562364281
over 3 years ago, WHS
ATTENTION WBSD#7 Families: Due to HIGH WINDS, buses for Missouri Ridge, Garden Valley, Round Prairie, and Athletics are CANCELLED for Wednesday, November 17th 2021. Parents will need to drop off their children at school and pick their children up from school. Parents of student athletes will need to transport their students to and from practice. Thank you for your understanding, Lori Olson WBSD7 Assistant Superintendent
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
Buses Cancelled
ATTENTION WBSD#7 Families: Due to HIGH WINDS, buses for Missouri Ridge, Garden Valley, Round Prairie, and Athletics are CANCELLED for today. Parents will need to pick their children up from school. Parents of student athletes will need to transport their students to and from practice.
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
Engineering Better Worlds Wednesday November 17th 1:30PM WHS Theater
over 3 years ago, WHS
Engineering Better Worlds
Joint Statement from Dr. Thake and the WBSD7 School Board To the Williston Basin School District 7 administration, teachers, staff, students, parents, and community members: Dr. Thake and the School Board jointly issue this statement to provide notification that Dr. Thake and the School Board have come to an amicable resolution and will be parting ways. Dr. Thake has voluntarily submitted his resignation, and the Board will take action on Monday, November 15, to determine the acceptance of that resignation. Both Dr. Thake and the School Board care tremendously and want nothing but the best for District 7 and its administration, teachers, staff, students, parents, and community members. Both parties respectfully ask that everyone place their focus on the students of District 7 and providing quality education and a strategic plan that will guarantee the success of District 7 in the years to come. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
Joint Statement
Do you have questions about your child's online time? Do you worry about your student being cyber bullied? Do you know what your child's digital footprint is? Get answers to these questions and more at #FamDigLit, a monthly Digital Literacy chat for families of K-12 students. The first meeting will be Thursday, 11/18 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Williston Community Library. For more information, check out www.willistonschools.org/pages/famdiglit
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
Williston Basin Career & Technical Education Center Informational Meeting at WHS Theater Tuesday, TONIGHT from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Can't attend in person? Join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98462594010?pwd=SmwrM1NzNmx4aERyTlAwM0V5Z2RCQT09
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
CTE Meeting 11/9/2021
Williston Basin Career & Technical Education Center Informational Meeting at WHS Theater Tuesday, 11/9/21 from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Williston High School
Williston CTE Meeting 11/9/21
Reminder: On Thursday, 11/11/2021, all WBSD7 Schools and Offices will be closed for Veteran's Day. Friday, 11/12/2021 will be a regular school day.
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
Veteran's Day Closure 11/11/21
🎉I GOT ACCEPTED!🎉 We’re excited to celebrate our seniors who have gotten accepted to colleges!
over 3 years ago, Jacqueline Schlecht
Marguerite Wheeler got accepted to University of Jamestown! Marguerite plans to study Physical Therapy.
Avery Noeske got accepted to North Dakota State University and South Dakota State University! Avery plans to study Biochemistry.
Colby Nehring got accepted to North Dakota State University and University of North Dakota! Colby plans to study Criminal Justice or Health.
🎉I GOT ACCEPTED!🎉 We’re excited to celebrate our seniors who have gotten accepted to colleges!
over 3 years ago, Jacqueline Schlecht
Haley Cote got accepted to Arizona State University! Haley plans to study Business (Law).
Trevor Zieler got accepted to University of Jamestown, Montana State University Bozeman, Penn State, and William Penn! Trevor plans to study Mechanical Engineering.
Hayley Melby got accepted to Williston State College and Moorhead State University! Hayley plans to study Accounting.
Attn: Verizon Customers It has come to our attention that calls coming from our District are being categorized as 'Spam' by Verizon. To make sure you are receiving important calls from the district & your student's school, please add (701)572-1580 to your contact list. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
Phone Number Image
Hey Coyote Families! We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Thursday November 4th from 6:00-7:30 at WHS for our second Fall Family Night!!! Here are a few of the events: *In-Person Parent-Teacher Conferences: Come chat with your student's teachers about their progress! *WHS Career Pathways & Career Expo/ WSC Financial Aid , WHS Theatre, Presentations at 6:00 and 6:45: Help your child prepare for his/her future! Find out about the WHS Career Pathways and Career EXPO (Grades 9-12) and WSC financial awareness, FASFA, scholarships (good for 9-12, essential for 11-12) *Community and Informational Booths: Get a chance to visit about your child's future with TrainND, JobsND, WSC, and the ND National Guard; or get help understanding your student's NWEA scores or using PowerSchool or Remind App. *Free Food, Door Prizes, Student-led tours, Activities Fair and more...
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
Reminder: There is no school on Friday, November 5th for Teacher In-Service.
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
No School 11/5/2021.
The first night of Fall Family Night was a success! Thank you so much to all who came, and those who volunteered your time! For those who didn't make it, we will be having night #2 on Thursday, 11/4 from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
Students serving dinner
Students at the Close Up booth
ND Job Service booth
TrainND Booth
November's SEL Word of the Month: Gratitude. What are you thankful for? How can you show appreciation to others this month?
over 3 years ago, Williston Basin School District 7
November Gratitude
Don't forget tonight's Fall Family Night - Not Your Average Parent/Teacher Conference, tonight from 4:30-6:00 p.m., and Thursday from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
over 3 years ago, WBSD7
Fall Family Night
Congratulations!!! to Tanner Bercier and Henrietta Tracey, Tanner has been selected to sing Tenor in the All-National Honor Choir January 2022 and Henrietta has been selected as an Alto alternate.
over 3 years ago, WHS
2022 All-National Honor Choir
Fall Family Night! Parent Teacher Conferences WHS Monday November 1st 4:30-6:00 Thursday November 4th 6:00-7:30
over 3 years ago, WHS
2021 Parent Teacher Conference